As spring has finally sprung (or in the north, at least starting to spring…hopefully), it’s a time of renewal and planting of seeds. One of my favorite seeds to plant are seeds of kindness. The best thing about kindness is that it’s free and costs you nothing but can make all the difference in someone else’s life. It’s also one of my favorite topics to weave into my children’s books as kids come by kindness naturally, yet as they grow need reminders and to why being kind is not only a good thing to do, but also a brave thing to do sometimes.

Books are a way of planting seeds (or lessons) in our kid’s minds to incorporate into the world. By reading good books to or with our kids, we can reinforce why certain things are so important. Kindness is one of those important seeds that I try to plant with my own kids, because I believe that with enough kindness seeds, we can watch our kids and our world bloom.

My new book, titled Words Are Magic! touches on how we can use our voice and words as the most accessible forms of magic to make a difference in the world. Using kind, loving words is an easy way for all of us to be superhero’s and make a difference in the lives of those around us. When we use kind words, we also tend to use kind actions. I believe that kindness is a foundational building block for seeing all humans as an extension of ourselves, so we are able to truly treat those around us as friends, sisters, and brothers rather than others. It is my sincere hope that my new Words Are Magic! book can help inspire more kindness and make even a small difference in making the world a better place through our children.

If you are looking for a fun, magical way to talk about the power of words to kids in your life, I hope you check out Words Are Magic! on May 1st. If you’re looking for a fun magical bedtime story that’s great for kids and adults alike, full of lessons on unity, cooperation, kindness, and courage – check out my first book, Saving the Earth Stone, which recently won 2nd place for Fiction – Children’s Fairy Tales from The Bookfest, (available on Amazon and Barnes &!