Earlier this week I received an email letting me know that Saving the Earth Stone won a second place award for Fiction – Children’s Fairy Tales from The Bookfest. I wrote this book based on a bedtime story I told my daughter a few years ago. She is the one who encouraged me to write it and publish it. Never in my wildest dreams when I set out to publish the book did, I think it would win an award. Winning awards was not why I got into writing. I decided to write children’s books because of the storytelling experiences I had with my kids and finding fun ways to teach my kids lessons through the power of storytelling.

I am deeply honored and extremely grateful for the experience and hope that Saving the Earth Stone, a fun and magical bedtime story that’s great for kids and adults alike, full of lessons on unity, cooperation, kindness, and courage – can help inspire children to lean into courage and to know they can make a difference in the world, no matter how big or small they are. Saving the Earth Stone is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.com).